Sunday, July 28, 2013

*21 Weeks*

How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain: 8lbs+
Maternity clothes? still wearing most of my old clothes, but wearing maternity dresses and jeans when I go out!

Stretch marks? NO!!
Sleep: some nights I sleep like a bear (says Nick) and sometime I can't sleep at all
Best moment this week: Nick felt Harper kick for the first time!  It was so sweet to see his face light up :) He was so excited!!

Miss Anything? WINE! We have a wine fridge in our kitchen and it makes me sad everyday when I walk past it lol.. no I am not an alcoholic haha
Movement: More & more.  She is really active at night!
Food cravings: still chocolate- We made Ghiradelli Brownies this week!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: round ligament pain- basically my entire stomach stretching
Belly Button in or out? Not looking good these days..
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: finishing Harper's nursery.  We have been working soo hard on it!  With the help of our friends we were able to get the wainscoting up after Nick painted, but we had a lot to fix and repaint.  Nick has been such a good daddy trying to get baby girl's nursery done perfectly :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

20 Week Anatomy Scan

We finally had our 20 week ultrasound/anatomy scan!! It was so great to see our little one again and  confirm 100% that Baby James is a GIRL! We are so happy and blessed to be able to say that Harper is healthy and growing like a weed.   She is already a pound and is a little on the big side. GO FIGURE!  Her mommy & daddy were big babies too.  So we will  probably get to see our little princess sooner than we thought!  Woo hoo!  Can't wait to meet you Harper Sophia.  Mommy & Daddy love you so much already. 

20 Weeks- Halfway there

How far along? 20 weeks, 4 days
Total Weight Gain:  8lbs at my 20 week apt!  Not too shabby :)
Maternity clothes? Starting to wear maternity clothes much more!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Waking up a lot this week with CRAZY pregnancy dreams!!!
Best moment this week: Starting to feel Harper move around more & kick :) 
Miss Anything? Wine & Margaritas
Movement: YES!!!!
Food cravings: Chocolate Chip Cookies & Chocolate Milkshakes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet:  I mean look at that belly...
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My 20 week ultrasound tomorrow! :)

*19 Weeks*

How far along? 19.5 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Still just rockin' the yoga pants most days, but some maternity pants and dresses when I go out
Stretch marks? No - I pray my nightly application of Belly Butter works!!
Sleep: Starting to sleep a little better
Best moment this week: realizing that I am almost halfway there.. CRAZY!!
Miss Anything? WINE!!
Movement: FINALLY FEELING MOVEMENT!!! Still light flutters, but so amazing to feel.
Food cravings: CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!! The ladies in the bakery at Publix know my husband by name HAHA
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada.
Have you started to show yet: Yup!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to:  My 20 Week ultrasound next week!