Tuesday, September 17, 2013

*29 Weeks*

How far along? 29 Weeks, 4 days
Total Weight Gain:  17+lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still fitting in some non maternity too!
Stretch marks? WOO HOO!! Still NO Stretch Marks!!!!
Sleepugh... Waking up in pain this week with Harper kicking and making me extra uncomfortable. Plus my belly is really starting to grow so it is harder to get comfortable!
Best moment this week: Getting Harper's crib up!  I am still in shock when I walk in the nursery  and imagine this beautiful baby girl we are bringing in to this world together.
Miss Anything?  COFFEE!!! I need about 7 cups when I get to work lol and not having that makes for a sad start to my day!
Movement: ALL the TIME and it hurts!  I think she is starting to run out of room in there and her jabs are painful!
Food cravings: CHOCOLATE DUH!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Oh ya!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Flat as a pancake...Still hasn't popped. I can't believe it!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but starting to get a little snug. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to:  Our next 4D ultrasound. It is on Saturday the 28th and I can NOT wait to see what Harper looks like!!! Will she look like mommy or daddy??

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