Sunday, October 20, 2013

*34 Weeks*

How far along? 34 Weeks, 2 days (Can you believe less than 6 weeks until Baby James is here??AHH!!!!!)
Total Weight Gain:  21lbs+ We will see how much at this week's appt.
Maternity clothes? Yes!  
Stretch marks? Still NO!!!
Sleep: Oh what I would do for a good night's sleep... Shouldn't these sleepless nights come after the baby is here??
Best moment this week: Washing all of Harper's clothes, folding them, and organizing into her armoire and dresser drawers.  Who knew doing laundry could be so much fun!
Miss Anything?  ENERGY!!
MovementALL the TIME! Wish she would get head down soon!
Food cravings: CHOCOLATE per the usual... Hope I lose this sweet tooth after Harper comes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Getting TOO big!!
Gender: Harper Sophia :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, heartburn, and going to the bathroom every 5 minutes
Belly Button in or out? Almost all the way out there!
Wedding rings on or off? Off :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but exhausted.
Looking forward to: My birthday!  For my special day on Saturday, Nick booked me an hour and a half pre-natal massage and dinner reservations downtown! CAN'T WAIT!!!

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